Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.
Big school opportunities without the big school.

What do you want to study?
The future isn’t waiting. Neither are we.

Introducing Founder’s College
Turning college from dream to reality.
The Butler Gateway Project
A transformational vision for Butler and the community.Hands-On Learning. Real-World Leadership.
“Prior to Butler, leadership wasn’t a focal point of my identity, but now it’s an integral part of who I am. From learning how to create and run an organization to coordinating campus events and managing a new fraternity house, I am graduating with invaluable hands-on experiences. Butler has shown me the power of experiential learning.”
Velin Georgiev
Healthcare and Business

Your well-being is our most important subject.
“Butler is such a great community and is full of genuine people—students, faculty, and staff alike—who want to see you grow. There is so much support and everyone wants to see you succeed.”
Paola Ariza-Storch
Health Sciences, Chemistry